Srs audio sandbox bass preset
Srs audio sandbox bass preset

I had bought an Altec Lansing 2.1 Speaker set last year. On the bright side, I'll be going to watch AVATAR today, now that should lighten things up! Well, time for me to get back to Ionic Equilibrium. Right now, I can hear the wails of a 4 year old in my house (my relatives not-so-quiet daughter who have come over for the winter). This year also saw the birth and slow demise of my blog BlueHillsBeckon(yep, this might just be the last post), succumbing to growing workload humbly offered by my IIT Coaching centre (this is India).


With a configuration that makes Tech Jargons drool, I now spend some of my free time playing Industry's Best PC games (rest of free time for recreational activities and FOOTBALL!). And then, this year saw the realisation of my long (almost lost in between) longed dream of my own GAMING RIG. What an experience it has been, hiding behind those trees after dark (hide-and-seek in Bombay), or partying late night (Kolkata!), or jus t seldom running around the community part (New Delhi), 4,5,6 rounds. Throughout these years, I changed residence 4 times, currently on 5th, and juggled between 3 Metroes of India. It's a decade since that day, 31st of 2000 to 31st of 2009, enter 2010, a new year, a new decade, and presumably a lot more. I think Aamir Khan won a filmfare or maybe performed that year (may have been someone else). I remember watching new year celebrations of the year 2000, hail a new millenium. Well, here's hoping what I've written here today, I read again some day in the future, and probably be happy with the way life turned out.Īnother year has come and gone, time passes by with the glimpse of an eye, seems like only yesterday when I left my hometown, towards Bombay (not Mumbai!). I do have Guitar learning on top even now (learn by watching videos online), and I wish I can learn dancing someday, but for now, learning xHTML and CSS will have to do won't it. I'm glad I've become part of something with soo much potential so soon into my life, I've been lucky I guess, and that I have had to change my habits a bit, prioritizing things in order. We do Tees, Websites, Wordpress themes, and are currently looking into custom packaging too, and expanding SIZR Tees even further. This is probably INDIA's first all student design company. This is a support site, a One Stop Portal for all your queries.Īnd the other is, SIZR Studios. I'm currently working on a start-up called PleaseGuideMe, located at (conveniently so!). But here I am again, back for another post.īut this post is different, and talks about the initiatives I've taken, and gotten into. Everytime I post, I say I'll start posting again, and seemingly never post again.

Srs audio sandbox bass preset